Terramodel will use these shortcut names instead of the standard command names. You can also add alias command names in the section of yourTMODWIN.INI file. When typing commands from the command line, you can only enter commands transparently by selectingCommand line from the SETTINGS menu.

Use the pull-down menus when you aren't sure of the spelling of thecommand name or you want to pick commands transparently (while you're still in another command) from themenus. Q: When should I use the command line versus the Pull-down menus?A: Use the command line when you know the names of the commands you want to use and are more comfortabletyping them than picking them from the menus. This directory contains the New Instant Expert booksfor Terramodel in a digital format.1) Started with Terramodel.2) Projects.3) a Contour Map4) Data Projects TheInstant Expert, the User's Guide, and the Training Guide.4) is the Release notes for the current version.There is also an Expert directory under Tmodwin on the CD. It contains detailed information aboutthe new features in version 9.4.3) Tmw_ie.exe, Tmw_ug.exe, Tmw_tg.exe.These are digital versions of the books shipped with Terramodel. It contains detailed information about all of theTerramodel commands.2) Tmw_ is the Addendum to the User's Guide for version 9.4. There is a Docs directory under Tmodwin on the CD that contains the following executable files.1) Tmw_rg.exe.This is the Reference Guide for Terramodel. Q: Is there more documentation available about Terramodel?A: There are several available pieces of documentation available to you that come to you on the program's CD-ROM. Many topics contain highlighted hypertext that, when you click on it, will direct you to moreinformation about the topic or information about related topics. Once inside the Help system, click on the topicof your choice. While running a command, press the key on your keyboard to open the Help system. Q: How do I use the On-line Help system?A: The On-line Help system, arranged according to the menu items across the top of the screen, replaces theTerramodel for DOS Commands manual. Otherwise, the program will not be able to find the file.
Terramodel pen width full#
Yes, when using the box on the System Configuration dialog to set the prototype file, include the full file name

When entering the name of a prototype file, do I need to include the. Terramodel Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)GeneralQ.