Here, “J” represents location of total wind maximum. Potential temperature (thin solid lines every 5 K).

(d) 1200 UTC 13 March 1993 250 hPa.Ĭross sections AB and CD from Fig. Isotachs of total 250-hPa wind in (b) and (d) (m s −1, shaded). 8 indicated by heavy lines labeled AB and CD. Dash–dot line in (a) represents a trajectory of an air parcel in an inertial circle with an initial wind speed of 20 m s −1 and a radius of 530 km.ĭivergent wind (m s −1) and velocity potential (every 12 × 10 5 m 2 s −1). 4b and cross section west–east (WE) from Fig. The location of cross section south–north (SN) from Fig. (d) The 0000 UTC 15 March 1993 250-hPa geopotential height (solid lines every 6 dam), 250-hPa winds, and wind speed (m s −1, shaded). (c) The 0000 UTC 15 March 1993 850-hPa geopotential height (solid lines every 3 dam), 850-hPa potential temperature (dashed lines every 3☌), 850-hPa wind, and wind speed (m s −1, shaded). (b) Same as (a) except for 0000 UTC 15 March 1993.
(a) The 1200 UTC 14 March 1993 sea level pressure (solid lines every 4 hPa), surface potential temperature (dashed lines every 3☌), 10-m wind (one pennant, full barb, and half-barb denote 25, 5, and 2.5 m s −1, respectively), and wind speed (m s −1, shaded). (d) The 925-hPa relative humidity (shaded and contoured as noted by scale on bottom of panel) and 850-hPa vertical velocity. (c) The 250-hPa geopotential height (solid lines every 6 dam), 250-hPa wind, and wind speed (m s −1, shaded). (b) The 850-hPa geopotential height (solid lines every 3 dam), 850-hPa potential temperature (dashed lines every 3☌), 850-hPa wind, and wind speed (m s −1, shaded). (a) Sea level pressure (solid lines every 4 hPa), surface potential temperature (dashed lines every 3☌), 10-m wind (one pennant, full barb, and half-barb denote 25, 5, and 2.5 m s −1, respectively), and wind speed (m s −1, shaded). Because of the resolution of the ECMWF analyses, the Isthmus of Tehuantepec is at a higher elevation in the model than it is on the real earth. (a) 0000 UTC 13 March 1993: cross section south–north (NS) along 95°W from 0° to 45°N. Vertical cross sections through the cold surge: potential temperature (solid lines every 3 K) and wind (one pennant, full barb, and half-barb denote 25, 5, and 2.5 m s −1, respectively). (c) The “A” represents the location of potential vorticity anomaly A discussed in text. (d) Same as (a) except for 1200 UTC 12 March 1993. The “C” represents the location of potential vorticity anomaly C discussed in text. (c) 0000 UTC 12 March 1993: 250-hPa geopotential height (solid lines every 6 dam), 250-hPa wind, and wind speed (m s −1, shaded). (b) 0000 UTC 12 March 1993: 850-hPa geopotential height (solid lines every 3 dam), 850-hPa potential temperature (dashed lines every 3☌), 850-hPa wind, and wind speed (m s −1, shaded).

(a) 0000 UTC 12 March 1993: sea level pressure (solid lines every 4 hPa), surface potential temperature (dashed lines every 3☌), 10-m wind (one pennant, full barb, and half-barb denote 25, 5, and 2.5 m s −1, respectively), and wind speed (m s −1, shaded). M28 represents the location of an observation of a CACS on 6 April 1928, as reported by McBryde (1932).ĮCMWF analyses. The narrowness of this gap is not completely resolved by the ECMWF analyses therefore, the model isthmus is higher and wider than the real isthmus is. An important difference between the model and real topography is the Chivela Pass. Dashed line represents 200-m contour, and shaded areas are higher than 500 m. 1) with locations of gulfs where gap wind events are commonly observed. Insert: actual earth topography adapted from Clarke (1988, his Fig. ECMWF (1.125° × 1.125° latitude–longitude resolution) topography over 500 m shaded according to legend. Map illustrating the topography and geographical locations discussed in this paper.